Product bee

Маточное молочко: состав, применение, лечение и противопоказания. Маточное молочко в косметологии для лица и тела

Принимать данное средство по 1 чайной ложечке два раза на протяжении дня ориентировочно за час до еды, при этом необходимо держать его под языком до окончательного растворения. Перед осеменением маток осматривают под мик­роскопом и выбраковывают травмированных во время предвари­тельного содержания в маточных клеточках. Если употреблять продукт в больших количествах, может возникнуть понос, сухость во рту, чрезмерная возбудимость, высыпания и другие побочные реакции. Если использовать его правильно, оно может излечить самые разнообразные недуги, улучшить состояние кожи, ногтей, волос, восстановить нервную систему. Разнообразные обертывания и маски помогают вести активную борьбу с признаками старения кожи, а на теле – с целлюлитом. When comparing irradiated rats and rats that received royal jelly under y-irradiation conditions, it was found out that, against the background of royal jelly, there is a noticeable improvement in all hematological parameters. It is interesting to note that almost all honey products are popular and trusted by the population (including the dead insects themselves – the so-called “pchelinyj pod-mor” (dead bees). Moreover, the description of the biological activity of bee products is carried out from the standpoint of their positive influence, and only occasionally negative facts are mentioned in passing (most often concerning the development of an allergic reaction).

Mountain Valley The level of this positive perception is so great that it extends even to related products. It certainly has a positive effect on the general understanding of many biological laws. Bee venom is a complex mixture of proteins and peptides, which has a diverse effect on the body. It was noted that the possibility of using bee venom to treat these diseases is just beginning to be studied, however, preliminary results allow the authors to experience cautious optimism. The authors believe that bee venom has strong im-munomodulatory properties, it is able to affect the glial cells and neurons of the central nervous system, while noting that many of the mechanisms of its action are to be established. In our review, we ignored other bee products (wax, honey, beebread, bee pollen, propolis, bee subsurface, brood ho-mogenate) and there are reasons for this selective approach. Such a situation seriously compromises the entire sphere of apitherapy, creating a specific atmosphere of enthusiasm for beekeeping products even in scientific circles. For example, if, basing on publications, to select bee products that are proposed for use in medicine (honey, pollen, beebread, Maryklein.Ru propolis) and This Resource site compare the description of their activity with such natural biologically active substances as, for example, vitamins A and C, you can find that for vitamins there is both a minimum and maximum permissible dose, the symptoms of avitaminosis and hypervitaminosis in both animals and humans are determined, the age gradation of the daily allowance is carried out and, much more that is right, follows from the experimentally determined biological activity of these substances.

33. Townsend G.F., Morgan J.F., Hazlett B. Activity of 10-hydroxydecenoic acid from royal jelly against experimental leukaemia and ascitic tumours // Nature. 37. Elnagar S. A. Royal jelly counteracts bucks’ “summer infertility” // Animal reproduction science. To assess the impact of royal jelly on the animal organism, hematological, biochemical and histological studies were performed. 24. Kodai T., Nakatani T., Noda N. The absolute configurations of hydroxy fatty acids from the royal jelly of honeybees (Apis mellifera) // Lipids. 9. Noda N., Umebayashi K., Nakatani T., https://ecofon.Kr/bbs/board.php?bo_Table=free&wr_id=142034 Miyahara K., Ishiyama K. Isolation and characterization of some hydroxy fatty and phosphoric acid esters of 10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid from the royal jelly of honeybees (Apis mellifera) // Lipids. 38. Mishima S., Suzuki K.M., Isohama Y., Kuratsu N., Araki Y., Inoue M., Miyata T. Royal jelly has estrogenic effects in vitro and in vivo // Journal of ethnopharmacology. Identification of 10-Hydroxy-Delta2-decenoic Acid in Royal Jelly // Nature. This led to the conclusion that the inhibitory component is thermally stable, and the reason for the inhibition of cell proliferation is the presence of 10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid in royal jelly, but this idea was refuted experimentally.

According to the experimental plan, male rats were randomly divided into 3 groups: the first group was the control one, the second group was represented by rats with streptozocin-induced diabetes mellitus, and the third group included rats, which, in addition to streptozocin, received daily royal jelly in the concentration of 400 mg/kg of the animal weight. Interesting data were obtained in the study of the effect of royal jelly on rats with induced diabetes. In comparison with bee venom, the prospects for developing a target drug based on royal jelly look more optimistic. The pronounced biological activity of bee venom is extremely attractive and is the cause of numerous attempts to use it in medicine and veterinary medicine. Such an approach casts doubt on the existence of any particular biological activity, since it contrasts strongly with experimental data obtained for other substances. However, rather modest achievements in the field of creating medical preparations based on it allow us to put forward the assumption that in the future bee venom will act as a laboratory stress-test similar to hyperbaric oxygenation, which, by the way, is also used in medical practice. The fact that bee venom is a “double-edged weapon”, which exhibits both nociceptive and anti-noci-ceptive properties and, at the same time, is a strong allergen, has been noted separately.

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